Looking for an I.T Consultant who knows your business requirements and how to drive it into the future. We are proud Microsoft Certified Professionals and MCSA Certified – MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS ASSOSIATE – We can give you the right answer the first time.

Microsoft Office 365 for Business: Provides you the flexible tools for collaboration across your team, device and multiple platforms. Whether you’re working remotely or in the office on your computer, phone or tablet device.  Office 365 has all the resources required for your business.

Microsoft Office 365 Exchange: Looking at updating to your own domain name to look more professional, or maybe need to update a legacy email system, Microsoft Office 365 subscribers can enjoy emails online & synced to your Microsoft Outlook Program or other programs and accessible on your PC/MAC/Mobile devices. Emails are fully synchronized between devices and accessible anywhere in the world in any time zone. Without the need to worry about email backups, you can focus on your business rather than about when your computer will crash and losing all your online communications. Microsoft Offer over 99% uptime on their services, you’ll never miss out on that important correspondence again!

One Drive for Business/ SharePoint: Need to collaborate data between your devices or your team. Microsoft Office 365 subscribers have access to technology that can synchronize your data between you or your team on multiple platforms. Ask us how!

Microsoft Bookings: Need a booking system for all your customers and keep track of bookings week to week? Microsoft Office 365 Premium Subscribers now have access to an Online booking system that allows Internal Staff and Customers or potential customers to book your time via an online website, sounds too good to be true. Ask us how!

How safe is my data in the cloud?

MYTH#1: My Data is safer on my own system internally and not “out there in the cloud for everyone to see” WRONG. Many companies these days are being hacked and held to ransom then are forced to a pay massive amount of outlays to have their data recovered, as the hackers don’t forget about that USB backup drive you have plugged in performing nightly backups! Don’t wake up one morning and realize all your data is gone! Microsoft Office 365 has many solutions that can cover your business and provides complete data redundancy and security online.

MYTH#2: Once I move to the cloud I lose control of my data. Moving to the Cloud can reduce your onsite hardware costs for running equipment that can be hosted for you. Your data will be accessible 24/7 and you can focus on the more important things in your business.

Contact Us for an onsite consult now!