In our modern age, we are exposed to so many avenues and sources to communicate with others around the world. So where does all this information go? Can someone trace me or enter my computer when I don’t know?
These are some of the questions you may have thought or be thinking about right now. So let’s dive in and explore some of the common threats that are around.

- Malware & Viruses: Best described as malicious software that enters your computer, usually through websites, emails or browsing online. You may find that you only do online shopping and general browsing on your computer and without even knowing you may have Malware on your PC. Malware & Viruses has different varieties and strains, some of which have been around for many years.
- Worm Strain: Worm viruses or malware is typically a form of malicious software that is designed to replicate itself and spread from computer to computer without the end-user even knowing. Modern day Worm infections will broadcast via email and send out messages to all your contacts. This can cause an ongoing effect to the point where even your email provider may disable your email account to stop the infection. This can create a lot of work to repair. Firstly by removing the infection from your PC. Secondly, Possibly restoring your email service and telling all your contacts not to open the email sent out from the Worms activity. Thus preventing the Virus/Worm from being shared with any of your contacts.
- Trojan Horses: History or Just legend? These days Trojan or Trojan Horses are real, and have been for many years. These types of viruses will cloak themselves as a genuine file, never being detected by the Operating System running. Trojan category viruses are attained many ways, the most popular is from pirated software or has been known to be received from some websites that are not so genuine. Once you are infected by a Trojan or Trojan Horse, it will or can allow third-party access to certain data on your computer. At this point, Online banking could become compromised, let alone all our login details to the common website used on a day-to-day basis.
- Spyware & Adware: Generally, these two types of malware are similar. Often infect your computer with your knowledge. Sometimes Spyware & Malware can be packaged into a “free program” you have downloaded from the Internet. Once installed on your system, you may experience ads, pop ups while browsing the Internet, report browsing habits and target you for prompt payment of unwanted / fake system security or clean up tools.
- Ransomware – WannaCry: The latest major virus or cyber attack as “broadcasted” to hit the world. If you haven’t heard about Ransomware you are lucky. Ransomware takes the form like a “Worm” virus. However, Ransomware is attained usually via an email attachment that is infected or cloaked as a genuine email from a major company. Upon the Ransomwares initial infection, it encrypts all your files on your PC and any connected storage devices holding them to a ransom fee. This leaves the unsuspected person either having to pay the ransom fee or restoring from the most recent backup of their data, alternatively having to pay an I.T professional to resolve the problem due to its mass destruction and complexity.
- Internet Security: We recommend to always have a subscription to an Internet Security program, but there are many platforms available on today’s market. So, which is the best of the best. We have seen Webroot SecureAnywhere protect from this threat and is a product that many corporate and home users have. We would like to present a link into a Webroot blog that discusses the fight against WannaCry and Ransomware.